We keep hearing “ New Normal” and that everything has changed due to COVID-19. This is certainly happening in the professional cleaning industry.
The End of “Good Looking” Cleaning
For decades, judgments about cleaning have always been based on visual appearances. “If it looks clean, it is considered clean,” has always been the cleaning standard. In all too many cases, building owners and managers may not be that happy with the cleaning they are being provided, but usually based on price considerations, that it is “good enough.”
Today, primarily because of COVID, we know that how a surface looks has little or nothing to do with how clean that surface is. A healthy surface is free of viruses and Pathogens that could negatively impact human health. “Good Looking” cleaning rarely makes the grade when cleaning is viewed with the right lens.
The superficial appearance of a clean facility is no longer enough; cleaning has become a C-suite agenda as well. Top executives are now responsible for their staff’s health and welfare, continued business operations, brand reputation, and the bottom line. Whereas effective cleaning has played a relatively minor role in C-suite responsibilities in the past, it directly oversees the function now.
Business leaders now view effective cleaning as one way to minimize company risks. This means effective cleaning is now a risk prevention strategy, helping to protect a company’s operations, profitability, worker morale, and brand reputation.
The End of “Price-Based” Cleaning
Cleaning has always been viewed as both a necessity and a commodity. By this, we mean that every building owner and manager knows they must take steps to keep their facilities clean. But, because it is also viewed as a commodity, this means these same building owners and managers have invariably considered most cleaning contractors based on price.
Since the deciding factor is the price. If one contractor says they would charge Rs 15/sft per month to clean a facility and another says they would only charge Rs 10/sft per month, it is pretty easy to guess which one is hired.
But that is over with COVID. Organizations have transferred from price-based cleaning to quality-based cleaning. Many building owners and managers have already concluded from experience that hiring a cleaning contractor based on a low price can be the start of an array of problems. Due to COVID and the need to stop the spread of infection, no one can just take the chance.
View quality cleaning as an investment. It pays dividends by protecting the health of building users and by keeping businesses and facilities functioning. It is advisable to use high-quality products for cleaning, sanitizing or disinfecting your facilities, workspaces, shopfloors, schools, residences, etc. Ecogenics provides a wide range of disinfectants, sanitizers, and cleaning agents which ensures complete safety of all kinds of surfaces from Coronavirus & other viruses, bacteria, pathogens, and harmful germs. Many of Ecogenics products are green to save the environment and human health.