Ecogenics India presents a complete range of professional cleaning products for corporates, factories, hotels, restaurants, kitchens, small and medium-size offices, and commercial spaces. For further information, connect @+91 9643104734. Email:

The End of “Good Looking” Cleaning

We keep hearing “ New Normal” and that everything has changed due to COVID-19. This is certainly happening in the professional cleaning industry.   The End of “Good Looking” Cleaning For decades, judgments about cleaning have always been based on visual appearances. “If it looks clean, it is considered clean,” has always been the cleaning standard. In…

Oven & Grill Degreaser

Degreasers for different Use

A degreaser is a cleaning agent used to dissolve grease and oil from hard surfaces. Often many degreasers contain chemicals or solvents designed to cause a chemical reaction to change the state of substance and make it easier to remove.   Other degreasers use a water base in order to create a ‘lift’ in the…

Tile Cleaner

Effective Tile Cleaning Process

One wouldn’t wash a stainless-steel refrigerator with a cleaner meant for an enamel surface. The same concept applies to our tiles. While tile floors are incredibly durable, certain kinds of tile need to be cared for in a special way. Ceramic and porcelain floor tiles are fairly low maintenance, while coarse tiles such as slate,…

Overview of Floor Cleaner

Different types of cleaning and treatments are required for different types of floors. Methods are also very different. There is a wide variety of floor cleaning equipment – manual and mechanized, is available nowadays. This includes different sizes of wipers, mops, sweepers, floor buffers and automatic floor scrubbers, etc. Deep cleaners clean any type of hard…

Washing Hands Save Lives

We are constantly exposed to a variety of illness causing germs. We even pick them up in an environment perceived to be sterilised. The spread of diseases like diarrhoea, swine flu, tuberculosis, asthma and the even common cold is attributed to germs in the environment. In families with children in school, the number of colds…